Sunday, May 6, 2012

Over the week we went back home to say good bye and spend sometime with my brother. He took a job in Kentucky helping on a horse ranch. Merrick got to ride 4 wheelers with him and we were able to hit up Tulip Time since the weather worked with us!

While we were back home Merrick and I had a playdate with cousins Hannah and Heidi. Hannah and Merrick played well together and loved playing with the animals. Hannah was cracking me up cause she kept calling Merrick "American" (that's what she thought his name was)
When we got home Friday morning it was SO hot! (or maybe its hotter to me) but we got out the sprinkler and had some good cool down time! Merrick loved it and has been asking to play in the sprinkler ever since but it hasnt been quite warm enough since Friday to do so. He's so ready for summer!
Baby Update!!
Week 28 started and baby is growing. He has the hiccups quite often and is a mover for sure! I am still feeling well but think this summer is gonna be a hot one (I begged Lincoln to let me turn the air on Friday and its the beginning of May) Lincoln joked he was gonna get me a window air so I could freeze myself out of a room instead of the whole family! :)

Thats all for now! More racing next week! Have a good one!!!!

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