Sunday, May 13, 2012

It's been another busy spring week/weekend at the Taylor house.  Merrick started soccer this past week and loved it! He told Lincoln "I'm really good cause I kicked the ball so hard that my coach had to run and go get it!" :) So I guess you can say its offical...I'm a soccer mom! (however there will be no van!)
Our friends Landon, Kristin, and Hudson had their precious baby girl this week. Meet Harper Kay! She is so sweet and adorable!
This weekend we headed home to pick up the 4 wheeler (Merrick was going through withdrawls) and to spend a few hours with our moms. Merrick also got to see Hannah again and play with her kitties with her. We were also able to see Grandma Taylor, plant some flowers in her planters for her, and ride 4 wheelers (of course!) 
Mother's day has been a great day! We went to church, the boys treated me to a yummy lunch and I was in the middle of my pedicure when Lincoln called me asking how much longer. This is why...
The boys were putting new graphics on the 4 wheeler when Lincoln sliced himself with the razor he was using. Thankful that Dr. Runde (the doctor I babysat for in college!) was working today and stiched (5 stitches) Lincoln up in no time! Thankful it wasn't worse! We've got nothing more planned for today, just enjoying the day and eachother!

Hope you all had a great mother's day and were able to spend time with those amazing women in your life. We sent out our mother's day wishes to some special ladies here on earth and also our wishes to heaven to 2 very special women that are looking down on us here! We love and miss you Grandma Cathryn and Granny Boswell!

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