Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weeknd full of F-U-N

Our weekned started Friday by spending some time with my dad for his birthday. We had fun riding bikes, racing Go Karts, eating Krispy Kreme donuts (yea for peanut free!), playing at Monkey Joe's inflatable house, eating birthday cake, and going out for birthday breakfast with Buger (aka Heath!).

Our weekend didn't end there though. We headed to the farm to meet up with Lincoln and the rest of the Taylor family. Our race face was on! 

 Merrick made Jessie put on her race gear.

 Dan got stuck! (Majorly stuck!) We were all laughing so hard!!!!
 Thank goodness for Levi! They all made fun of his "fat, slow 4 wheeler" but after pulling, Dan, Jessie, and pushing Merrick out of being stuck in the mud...he was an essential to race!

 Of course we couldn't have a race without wheelies...Lincoln started it (imagine that!) :)
 And of course Jessie couldn't let Lincoln be the only one.
 And the lil one wanted to be in on the show!
 And Levi had to show that his 4 wheeler not only was good for pulling out the other 4wheelers but that his too could do tricks!
We are exhausted! And have 2 days to recoup cause we have 2 more days ahead of us with my mom and brother before Heath leaves for his new job!!! Check back for more pics later this week!

One prayer request before I head to bed...Please keep the Goemaat and Ferguson families in your prayers. You may remember in a previous post a family from back home had a 10 yr old boy with brain cancer passed away early this AM. Please pray for comfort for this family!!

Good night all!

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