Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Trip to Pella

Last minute Merrick and I decided Monday morning to head to Pella and meet up with Chase, Corban, Kipty, Bec, and Leah. We stopped first to see the tulips because we've been told they won't be there at Tulip Time. They really were pretty. I got our "standard" poses in front of the Tulips and we headed to the Fun Factory to meet everyone else.
The boys had a riot and played really well together. It was nice to catch up with Becca and Leah. Merrick was exhausted! He slept the whole way back and I had to wake him to eat supper. I think its an understantement to say he was tired! :)

That's all really we had planned for this week except our usual--Mops, school, Bible Study. Chat later!

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