Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Over and Out, 10-4 Good Buddy.

Cute story...
Lincoln's dad has recently started trucking--hauling grain. Lincoln was explaining to Merrick the CB and how that all worked---even the lingo. He knows "what's your 20" means where are you, and when you're done talking its "over and out 10-4 Good Buddy".

So earlier last week Merrick learned that Dan's "handle name" was Ragweed. Of course we all had to have handle names as well. Merrick's was Axle, Daddy was Diesel, and Mommy was Flatbed.

That night we are laying in bed, Merrick still not asleep. He sits up in bed so he can look into our room and shouts "What's your 20 Diesel?" Lincoln and I busted laughing. "Flatbed, Diesel what are you doing in there?" "Flatbed why is Diesel laughing at me?" And of course we could NOT call him Merrick---had to be Axle. Finally Axle laid down and slept.
However the next day I was downstairs changing laundry and I hear "MMMMMMOOOOOOOMMMMMMM, FFFFFLLLAAAAATTTTTTBBBBBBEEDDDDDD! What's your 20?" I could not help but laugh. When I responded "the laundry room" he came barreling down the stairs huge smile on his face with the reply "Over and Out, 10-4 Good Buddy!" This kid cracks me up!

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