Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentines fun...

Hello All!

Hope you have all had a great February and a Valentines filled with L-O-V-E! Merrick has been busy as usual. Since its been nice out he's been out and and being a boy---digging in the dirt!
Merrick had a lot of fun at Valentines day. He loved making his Valentines w/ mommy, having a Valentines party at school, and helping make a heart shaped pizza for supper and valentines marshmallow suckers for desert.
(sorry this pic is sideways---it's not like that on my computer and I'm not sure why it's like that on blogger)
This past weekend Axle and Ragweed hit the road. Axle loved being along for the ride!

I haven't had time to upload the pictures off my phone so I'll post that soon. But we are at 17 wks now and baby checked out good at the doctor's appt on Friday. Heart rate was 145. Next month we find out if there will be a little brother or sister! I'll try and get the baby bump picture uploaded soon. Have a great week and thanks for checking in!

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