Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Bucket List...part 2

Sorry this is late...but better late than never :) We've been busy with our apples this week. We made both carameled apples and mini apple pies as well as apple raisin muffins. Everyone has been enjoying all this baking and yummy fall comfort foods EXCEPT our wastelines :) We crossed off Carmaled apples and baking pies off our fall bucket list. Instead of a big pie we decided to make mini apple pies (a great way for Merrick to help too--Thank you Pintrest) As you can see from below the mini apple pies were 2 thumbs up! :)

Another bucket list activity we did this past week was playing in the leaves. Merrick helped rake them and had fun playing in them. I was luck enough to get him to hold still for a smidge to snap a picture otherwise all the others were of him darting outta the picture cause he was having so much fun!We also decroated a pumpkin--potato head style! Merrick as you remember wasn't fond of the pumpkin guts from the last carving experience so we found an awesome lil kit at Target to make his pumpkin look like a Cowboy potato head! Pretty cute huh?!Merrick had his first sleep over with a friend this weekend. Paxton came over to play and have a sleep over. They requested cheeseburgers, fries, and shakes, played and rented a movie. I'd say they had a great time together and they both actually slept! Lastly (not on our fall list but should be) we had friends come over today and help make "Boo bags" Its like May day in October. We can't reveal their identity or the secret is out ;) But these were too cute to not share! Merrick is pretty excited about ringing door bells and running leaving a treat for our friends! We are hitting up the pumpkin patch Friday with some of our favorite people so more pictures to come! Have a great fall week!

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