Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello all!! Did you stay cool the first part of the week?? We hit the splash pad a few times but found some fun summer indoor activties to help pass the heat of the day. Merrick has had some pretty nasty reactions to sun screen and this week had a bout of hives for about 2-3 days everytime he would be out in the sun or get warm. So we had to resort to some indoor activities as well to keep the hives to a minimum. Even the swim shirt didnt help! :(One of our indoor activites was attending the snake presentation at the library. For those of you who know me know that I am DEATHLY scared of snakes. Snakes bring out a not so pleasent side of me adn can cause some not so pleasent things to come outta my mouth! :( Pretty sure I nominated myself as "mother of the year" for attending this and only having the shivers and sweaty palms during the presentation but did not outwardly FREAK OUT! Merrick enjoyed himself though!
This was the face he made after touching the snake!
Do you see this bad boy!?! And the tub behind it?!? This is how they transported it...YUCK huh???

We carried out the "snake" theme in our playdough time.

We also hit up McDonalds playland for some more indoor activities.

Friday we headed home for our cousin's Ben and Lacey's wedding. We had soem extra time to stop and let Merrick "shoot" his gun that he's been begging Lincoln to shoot. After one time though he had his fill and was ready for the next adventure!
We also were able to celebrate Dan's birthday and Father's day with him while we were home. Merrick is always up for birthday cake and blowing out the candles.
Saturday was the big day for Ben and Lacey. It was a great day to see family and catch up. Congrats Ben and Lacey on your big day! Also a special THANKS to Joey and Dan for getting Grandpa Taylor's tractor to the wedding to get some great family pictures around it! Made the day even more special!!!

Have a great week! We'll chat again soon...

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