Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where did Spring go??

Welcome back. Another week gone and tomorrow again is Monday! Last week was low key at the Taylor house. Winter decided to make another appearance and we pulled back out the close toed shoes, winter coats and hats! YUCK! Not much outside playing time between the cold temps and rain! Hopefully we get out a little more this week!

Last week was Merrick's 1st trip to the dentist! He did really well. He wouldn't let them clean his teeth but they were able to count them--16! He is still working on his 2 yr molars they said but they were about ready to pop through. He liked the chair ride, did not like the bib, and made sure to tell the Hygenist thank you for his "spicey toothpaste", tooth brush, and spiderman sticker. (We bought the Crest kids sparkle before and Merrick seems to think it is spicey!)

Every year around this same time we always have a male and female duck that lay eggs on our street. Well they've returned and are in our yard often. We make sure that everytime we see them we go get some bread and feed them. Merrick thought it was pretty cool the 1st time they came...however Jaz thought differently.Merrick wanted to help me bake some blueberry bread the other night. He said he wanted to stir and put in the eggs. He started fussing when I grabbed the eggs outta the fridge explaining to me that "I don't need help". Interested to see what he'd do with it I handed it over. Plop! ENTIRE egg in the batter!

Part of the recipe comes from a box (yes I cheated) and Merrick was very worried that he did not dump in the sugar yet. Finally as we were pouring the batter in the loaf pan he grabs my face and exclaims "but Mom what about the SUGAR!?!" Geesh! Must have a sweet tooth like his mommy! :)

Friday Gdpa Rick came up for a visit. The boys were busy...Burger King and playland for breakfast, a lil outside time, a trip to Lowes, Sams Club (and 4-berry sundaes of course). A nap, supper at Olive Garden (Merrick's favorite place to eat--he only wanted to order breadsticks and milk!) and then a trip to the pet store! Merrick was exhausted on Saturday from all their activities.

Lately Merrick has become quite the lil singer...some of his favorites include Happy Birthday, Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me, and Satalite Radio. If you've never heard Satalite Radio you tube it! Its by Steve Earl and the most ANNOYING song ever! Lincoln likes it and plays it all the time there for Merrick sings "Big Daddy over there are you listening to me on the Satalite Radio" on an hourly basis. Another hourly song is Happy Birthday. Earlier this week he was singing it over and over and over but he would only sing "Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you" so I added "you live in a zoo, you look like a monkey and you act like one too!" But I only sang this ONE time! He must have been listening VERY closely cause on our weekly grocery shopping trip at the top of his voice in Target he sings the whole thing while walking down the aisle hands in pocket! Now he sings this song almost non stop. It is however better than Satalite radio! Enjoy the clip.

Have a great week and we'll chat next week!

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