Sunday, March 20, 2011


This week was exactly what the soul needed. To see new life again was refreshing to say the least. Even our tulips are begining to grow.No words...only pictures can describe how much fun we had this week...
Besides the playing outside Merrick and Daddy found time to also build a bird house.
Thursday we put on our green and headed downtown to the parade.
Merrick's favorite part of the parade (besides the candy) were the green dogs...he even thought we should have done this to Jaz!
Saturday we packed up and headed back home to visit family and help cousin Corban celebrate the B-I-G #1!
From all the business of this week our rainy Sunday was spent catching up as the family of 3 we are and cuddling...
Note of Praise...
A couple weeks ago Lincoln was promoted as a foreman of his own crew for this Spring. This was his first week on the new job! Although his hours are a little "messy" right now, but thankfully my job is flexible and have been able to adjust my hours so he can live his dream. He is enjoying from what I hear the new position. He is still working as a piper layer of the crew but is in charge of the crew and job they are doing. We know he will do great and are very proud of all he does for our family. WAY TO GO DADDY!
Thanks for checking in. Have a great week and we are still praying for the warmer weather to continue!
Much love

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