Can you believe March is almost half over?? I know I sound like a broken record but that means we are closer to spring right?!?! We are over winter at this house and ready for the next phase in life. This week was proof of how over winter we are. Monday morning Merrick woke up fairly quite for him. He acted off and just wanted to lay around and cuddle. No matter what anyone says this is not my child!!! He asked to watch a movie and didn't care to go play in his toy room when I asked him. He even refused going down stairs to play drums!!! The library is a ritual thing for us during the week and he had asked to go to the library to pick out a new movie to watch, but wanted to make sure we were NOT staying for story time. So we went and were gone for maybe 30 mins. While at the library he started crying, complaining that his legs hurt and he didn't want to walk. His eyes became very glassy looking and just as mommy suspected...SICK! By the time we got home his fever was 103.8 (and there was NONE when he left--I checked!) I got him some lunch, gave him some medicine and to bed he went for 4 hrs!! Tuesday he still had a fever. It was not an easy to manage fever either...ranging from 101-104 most of the time even with medicine. So I put him in the bath tub to make him hopefully feel better and help w/ the fever when he starts crying his ears hurt. I thought this was good--an easy fix--ear infection from all that drainage from the RSV, some antibiotics and he'll be good! NOPE!! Influenza A!!! He had his flu shot too but the Nurse Practitionar told me that there is 1 strain (the one Merrick got) that was not covered by the shot! Let me tell you this lil illness was UNPLEASANT to say the least. Merrick does not have a crabby personality nor is he "whiny" but this week there were times where he would cry and cry and cry somemore cause he was so miserable. Only wanted to cuddle, then would have a small burst of energy then back down. Then Lincoln got a touch of it! No fun. I've used a LARGE container of Clorox wipes here and ALOT of hand sanitizer too! But thankfully we are on the mend (knock on wood) and everyone is feeling good. So not to much exciting that went on. About the most exciting thing was fun shaped pancakes. Merrick had little desire at times to eat and w/ Motrin around the clock for fever/bodyaches I did anything in my power to make food "fun" so he'd eat it! He enjoyed these dumptruck and bulldozer shaped pancakes! Ate them ALL!!
Merrick however this weekend is back to the his old self! New thing...POOP! You ask him Merrick what do you want for breakfast...Poop! Merrick what do you want to play....Poop! Merrick how old are you....Poop! Merrick will you put your socks in the laundry basket....Poop! Get the idea!?!? He even went as far as saying while talking to my brother..."See ya later Poops!" He's such a boy!! Hard thing is when he says it in a funny context to not grin or to keep the grin outta his sight! Or poop comes out of his mouth for EVERYTHING!
Since there wasn't much going on I thought I'd share what Lincoln and I worked on at the beginning of the year...our bedroom. When we moved into the house (will be 3 yrs this June) I was about 6.5 mo pregnant and if you remember CR just had that huge flood so Lincoln was busy helping rebuild the city so out of the entire house our bedroom didnt get much attention until now. Here are the befores...sorry for the unmade bed...

And after....

I love how it turned out and the different look from the rest of the house (browns). Enjoy your week and we will HOPEFULLY be OUTSIDE as the temps are suppose to get up to the mid 50's here! YES!!! Goodnight!
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