Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sweet, Sweet Spring

Spring I think has finally sprung and we celebrated by SPRING cleaning this week! Merrick is quite the lil helper and give this kid a step stool, a rag, bucket of water, and a window keeps him busy for hours!!! He has so much fun "getting dirty" and into the cupboards that he cried when I told him "No we're not cleaning tonight" at 930pm on Friday!! Bless his heart! We are far from done but have the toy room, Merrick's room, and the living room cleaned and organized! This week will tackle the rest of the house.

Merrick especially loves cleaning closets. Merrick and Sawyer had a great time playing dress up while I re-organized the closets.

It was pretty nice the begining of the week and we got outside EACH AND EVERYDAY! This is exactly what we've been waiting for!Last minute Thrusday we decided to have a playdate w/ the Ozinga's and Rozenbooms. So we called Grandma and she was free as well!! We headed down Friday morning, fed the boys and headed to Grandmas! It was great to see Grandma, catch up and let the boys play. Merrick keeps asking when we get to go back to "Gwandma Taylow's house!" We wished we could have spent longer with her. Time really is the enemy huh?

Merrick and Chase LOVE! to wrestle!!

Saturday my old roommate Trisha was in town so we met up with Amber and got some much needed catch up time by shopping, supper, and a pedicure! We then met back up with the boys at our house for a bond fire. Merrick thought this was great! Marshmellows and chocolate! YUM...

During our shopping trip I found Merrick an umbrella. He has asked for one for quite sometime but I was not willing to pay $20 for a kids umbrella that Im sure would get broke. Well I found one for less than half the cost and he is THRILLED with it!! He had to bring it w/ us on the way to church this morning "in case" it would rain...Then put it up in the car on the way to church...Lincoln and I turned around and busted out laughing...


Im not sure if I have mentioned anything on here about Merrick's cyst but this week we had an ultrasound on it. Long story short for those of you who don't know it...sometime in Feb I was helping Merrick pull up his pants and felt a "knot" on the back of his L knee. We had it looked at and Dr. Sarah said it was a ganglion cyst but to watch it if it grew or became painful to call back. The end of last week begining of this week he complained of his knee hurting and I checked on the lump again and it had doubled in size so when I called to let her know she wanted an ultrasound done. It did confirm a cyst but its a popliteal cyst. Difference is the popliteal cyst is superfical where the ganglion is usually "in the joint". Both are very uncommon in pediatric patients. Especially behind the knee--usually they are found on the wrist. The cyst had grown and is about 1 inch in diameter. She wants us to continue to watch it and if he continues to complain or if we notice he is "walking funny" or limping than we will go to an orthopedic doctor and discuss removing it. I am very thankful for Dr. Sarah and her being so through with Merrick. A true blessing! So we will continue to watch and pray that it will go away on its own!!

Last off I have to share this lil clip. When we were at Grandma's Chase said the Pledge of Allegiance for truly is precious and melted my heart...ENJOY!

Thanks for checking in. Have a great week and we'll chat later!!!


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