Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day...

Happy Valentines Day!!! Hope you all have a great day!! Lincoln and I celebrated Valentines day in Pairie DuChein, WI. It is so crazy how much kids change your life and when they are not with you how "boring" or "quiet" things can seem!! :) We are so used to Merrick filling the silence with his stories, truck noises, and questions that when we were with out him there was plenty of silence AND lots of extra sleep! :) HAHA! I got more sleep this weekend than I average all week!!! We did enjoy eachother's company and the scenery was nice too...
Lincoln got to enjoy some crab legs!!
While we were away Merrick enjoyed some time with Grandpa and Grandma...from the pictures and sounds of it they had a great time together. They went to Chucky Cheese, Mc Donalds, sledding and plenty of playing at home! We brought Merrick to the airport thinking he would like to see the planes, ect, BUT Merrick cried when they had to get on the plane to leave so we ended up leaving the airport with a SCREAMING child. :(

Merrick did enjoy watching the airplanes drive around and take off though!
The last few days have been amazing temps. Today Merrick and I headed to the nearby church parking lot so Merrick had plenty of dried cement to ride his bike. He thought it was pretty fun to ride and it to be outside in general. OH how we cant wait to be outside ALL the time!
He eventaully got bored with riding and decided to run behind it and ramp it in a snow drift...I swear he acts like a mini me of his daddy!!
Have a great week! We are hoping for nice temps so we can get out and play!! Chat later!

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