Monday, February 7, 2011

What to do when it snows...12 inches!!!

12 inches of snow...yes that was the final count of inches we received this week. So we had to be creative of what we did for about 3 days!!! Tuesday before the storm hit we had a playdate with MOPS at the Playstation...PERFECT idea. Playstation is like a HUGE indoor playgroud with all sorts of things to climb on, slides, and a ball pit. Merrick's favorite was the ball pit.
Tuesday afternoon we got hit with the snowstorm and needed some activities to do inside Wed and Thursday as Merrick was getting bored FAST! We've been working on cutting with a kid proof scissors of course so we decided to make a Valentines care package for the soldiers and started by making some cards.

Merrick had fun going to the store to pick out snacks for the care package.
The card making only took about 1 hr and we still had PLENTY of the day to fill so we made some yummies...what better to do with 12 inches of snow but make snow ICE CREAM! Some milk, sugar, pudding, vanilla and snow makes for a great snack!!
Thumbs up...must have been good! ;)
Whats next...cinnamon rolls for daddy after a 15 hours of plowing snow!
Merrick enjoyed those as well!
Luckily this weekend was warmer and Merrick and Daddy got some missed one on one time while I worked. They went sledding with Paxton and Sawyer and played outside on the swingset in the snow. Merrick LOVED it!

SO Yesterday was the Superbowl. Lincoln was very excited to have his Steelers playing in the bowl. However the outcomes were not what he wanted. However we did have good food with Hummers and Moores so we did have fun!

The night was to long for one member in the family!!

Hope you have a great week and stay warm. Talk to you later!

1 comment:

Deborah Ann said...

Ah, we're getting more snow here than we know what to do with.

Cute pictures!