Sunday, February 27, 2011

20 days til Spring

Aww...less than 1 month til Spring...we CAN NOT wait! This week reminded me how much I'm or should I say we are ready for warmer weather. Monday morning Merrick woke up with a fever, cough, and runny nose. We laid low for the next couple days but by Wed he still had the fever, cough, and runny nose. The fever ranged anywhere from 101-103 and would never completely go away with Tylenol or Motrin so off to the doctor we went. She diagnosed him with RSV. For those of you who remember he had this at 5 months old and was hospitalized because of breathing issues. This time however he did not need to be hospitalized cause in older kiddos it presents as a very nasty cold and since they are older they are able to better keep their lungs clear by coughing up the mucous. So a lil TLC is all he needed and mommy and daddy were happy for the cuddle time we got.
I think Jazzi enjoyed the "lay low" Merrick as she wasn't nearly as harrassed as usual! She is such a good dog and Merrick just loves his puppy!!
We went through a box of popsicles cause all that coughing made for a nasty sore throat~

After a 4 hr nap on Wed he woke up fever free!!! YEAH! A little more energy but still a nasty nose and cough. His energy levels have picked up throughout the end of the week back to normal, but he still has the nasty runny nose and the cough. Which is nice to see him acting like he feels better. Monday and Tuesday he laid around most of the day and watched movies. For those of you who know Merrick well "sitting" is not his strongest quality! :) So Mommy knew he was down and out! We haven't left the house all week until Friday we took Merrick for a ride in the car to get him some fresh air and out of the house however the cold air caused the coughing! :(
Saturday Dan and Tami flew back in to Cedar Rapids after staying 2 wks prior we we left for our weekend get away. Merrick was happy to see them and play!

So don't think for one minute that just cause he was sick does not mean there were any funny stories...HERE WE GO!

1. During supper I was talking to Lincoln about a family we know whose daughter is Claire. Mentioned the name once and we went about our conversation. 10 mins later Merrick starts to make up one of his many stories. (This is his new favorite past time and really shows the imagination he has!) He starts telling Lincoln 'You not my daddy cause I went to da stowe and buyed a new one' Lincoln 'Oh yeah! That makes me sad...I really like to be your daddy. Whose your daddy now?' Merrick 'My daddy "cware"' Which did not come out as Claire but "queer". You shoulda seen the look on Lincoln's face. PRICESLESS!!!! I busted out laughing and quickly reitterated "CLAIRE" to Lincoln before the other word came outta his mouth! Of course Merrick laughed at himself cause I was laughing. And Lincoln well he just kinda sat there with a suprised look on his face!!!

2. Another evening during dinner (this is when the best of our converstations occur) Merrick looks at me with this sweet lil face of his and says 'Mommy you're so pretty! I love you'. Of course I jumped off my chair and gave him the biggest squeeze and kiss and let him know how happy that made my heart :) He then turns to Lincoln and says "Daddy". Lincoln replies "Yes Merrick" excited to hear what his compliment would be and to our suprise Merrick says "You not talk so good!" Again another priceless look and I busted out laughing at him! Oh man I love that kid! The random things he thinks of and says!

OK one last thing and then Im to bed. My mom called the other day with a link that has now become Merrick's new obsession! There is a pair of bald eagle eggs in Decorah, Iowa with a web cam on them. The eggs are suppose to hatch sometime in March. Merrick loves watching the birds and named the daddy bird Joker and the mommy bird Rader. Honestly we pretty much leave the computer up all day with the web cam going so he can check on his birds! We love to watch so we hope you enjoy too!!

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