Sunday, January 31, 2010

Long Time No See!

Sorry it has been so long since I've updated! Our laptop will not connect to the old wireless so we need to purchase a new wireless router in order to use the Internet on the laptop. I do not upload anything on my work computer so SORRY no updated pictures! Hopefully soon we will get the new router up and running! But for now just stories! Where do I start! Merrick is learning so much!
New words *** naughty (see the story below for this one), the "Z" in Jazzi is starting to become much more z sounding than d sounding, bike, NO! (with force!), and is now starting to put 2 words together!
Ok so for the "naughty story! Jazz and I were not seeing eye to eye one day. Merrick and I had run to the grocery store and were gone for 1 hr TOPS! When we returned Jazz had been in the bathroom during our trip and had pulled the towel holder off the back of the door down! After being scolded for this Jazz went into Merrick's toy room and removed all his stuffed animals from the toy bin. Again a scolding resulted. During the pick up process of the stuffed animals Jazz had went to the living room(same place as Merrick was playing). I suddenly hear Merrick repeatedly saying "UH-OH, UH-OH!" Upon hearing these words from my wee-one's mouth I quickly went to investigate to find Jazz on top of the couch DIGGING! At this point my calm manner was GONE! I yelled at her and then told her she was VERY NAUGHTY and shipped her to her kennel. While putting her in the kennel Merrick repeatedly pointed his finger at her and yelled NAUGY! So now if I raise my voice at Jasmine whether it is because I am calling her to come inside the house or from another room Merrick quickly adds NAUGY! Oh this kid!

Remember me tell you all how he is smarter than his's a story for you! 5 wks ago the remote for the TV came up missing. After 2 wks w/o a remote we broke down and bought one careful to keep it outta lil finger's reach! So last Thursday evening Lincoln and I were both sitting in the living room playing w/ Merrick when he reached behind the recliner and pulled out the OLD remote! I couldn't figure out where from the chair he had gotten the remote. We went about our evening and the NEW remote and OLD remote came up missing. UGH! After putting Merrick to bed I realized the back part of the chair's material looked "loose" upon investigation the material had a place on either side that could be velcroed. Looking further into this "hiding spot" I found 7 dried wet wipes (I give these to Merrick to wash his hands off!) 4 toys, 3 books, 2 remotes, and a stinking partridge in a pear tree! LIL STINK! I cleaned out the hiding hole. The next morning I watched him VERY carefully as he was playing w/ the back of the chair. He peeked in the side and proclaimed UH-OH! All his treasures were gone! OH MAN! I see he may be a sneaky one! :)

Well I had better wrap this up as it is already past midnight. I have troubles going to sleep before 1am much any more as my new job ,which I LOVE!, the hours I work are usually 7pm-3am! Have a good week and as soon as the laptop is ready for uploads Ill put new pics of our growing lil man!
Bye-Bye (as Merrick would say!)

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