Sunday, March 23, 2014

Catch up!

 Goodness! Are you tired of looking at the Christmas background. Winter had taken its toll on us and we are thankful for some warmer days. Here's a brief of what has all taken place....
Winter fun (if you call this past winter fun!)

The IATVHSS awards banquet. Merrick placed 10th in his class over all and Lincoln 9th!
Fun times with family...
Spent many days inside having movie days...Frozen is our new favorite!
And all this winter made some of us climb the walls...literally!
We've enjoyed the nicer weather and days at the park and outside we SOAK up!
Last but not least Merrick got his 1st racing trophy and is BEYOND proud of it. I told him we were all proud of him and he replies "Thanks! I'm proud too!" Ha! No lack in self confidence!
I'm gonna try my hardest to do a better job at the blog! (And change the background to something more springy)

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