Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentines day

 Happy Late Valentines day from these 2 boys!
We had a great day! Merrick was very excited to have his parties at school and hand out his valentines! Bouncy balls for his friends and starbucks for his teachers :)
He even got to play Heart, Heart, Valentine at his party!
The boys got to open their valentines presents...
At preschool they got "Love-A-Grams" (a card, balloon, and stuffed animal) which Merrick was VERY excited about!
Maddox got to open his present too and was VERY excited about the tissue paper....
But NOT so excited when we took it away when it went in his mouth...
But with silly brother around he was smiling shortly after...
Last week after school it was nice out so Mel and I stopped at the park with the boys..Big boys ran and the little boys LOVED the swings!
Hope you had a great V-day! Our boys sure loved it~

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