Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just a glimpse of spring...

We had a little glimpse of spring today and jumped at the chance for a short run and bike ride. Merrick enjoyed burning off some extra steam and Maddox was all smiles! Cant wait to get these boys to a park!

Merrick--he is loving school and learning as fast as he is growing. He now spells his name, Maddox's, and Mommy and Daddy. He's my big helper and can do almost anything you ask him to do.

Maddox--he's growing like a weed. Eating all kinds of baby food, pancakes, puffs, bananas, and has even tried roast and hot dog (of course in TINY pieces). He sits by himself, has 2 teeth, and has been talking up a storm. He's more on a schedule now and LOVES LOVES LOVES his big brother!

Hope you were able to enjoy the warmer weather! We sure hope winter is on his way out!!!!!

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