Thursday, December 20, 2012


 Last night school was canceled so we started our snow day early. Merrick gobbled down his supper and before Lincoln or I knew it he was outside in the snow. It wasnt terribly cold but he couldnt resist doing snow angels in his clothes before we made him come in and bundle up. Jazzi was even enjoying the snow.
After the snow playing was done, Merrick wanted to start doing Christmas cookies. So last night we were up til 10pm cutting out cookies.
This morning Merrick could hardly get breakfast down fast enough to get outside after he saw the snow!
 Good thing he was in such a rush to play because about an hour later the winds were in full force. He got some good snow time in this morning and loved every minute of it!
Once I finally convinced him to come in we decorated cookies and got that mess all cleaned up just in time for the lights to go out.
No power = lots of cuddles, books, story telling, games, bonding! Merrick asked if everyday could be a snow day! It would be great buddy!
Snow day was a success!

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