Thursday, June 21, 2012

He's growing up...way to FAST!

 Last week Merrick started T-ball and loved it! He of course is in full gear to play-no matter how hot it gets!

Merrick has also mastered the skill of riding his 2 wheeled bike! He literally just took off and away he went.

Merrick one liners....

Here are some recent one liners Merrick has said throughout conversations that I dont want to forget he said...

1. After waking from nap, "Mom, I think I'm gonna go wash my hands. I don't think I've done that since Friday!" (This is Tuesday! and I wanna know-or maybe I don't-what he was doing in his room to think he needed to wash his hands!)

2. Grandma Taylor fell last Sunday and was hospitalized for over night. When we told Merrick about it he said "Did she fall cause she was running because she had to poop? I do that sometimes!" Not exactly Merrick :)

3.  "Mom, dad was pretty crabby last night. He said stupid and I was gonna put him in time out but he was so crabby I thought it might make him more crabby!"

I feel like I see a lil Lincoln growing up right before my eyes. He has a way with his words---just like his dad!

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