Thursday, March 1, 2012

Daddy home for a week=staycation for the family.

Daddy is inbetween jobs this week so we've enjoyed him home with us all to ourselves! It's like a staycation! We've done some extra fun things and really hung out all week enjoying eachother. Merrick right now is big into being a cowboy---in fact he think's he is Jason Aldean. I can not get the video to post of him singing the song but its pretty cute! So of course since Mr. Jason Aldean is in his cowboy attire so is daddy. I went to get the boys to let them know it was lunch time to find Daddy on all 4's giving Merrick a "horse ride" and poor daddy was sweating. Daddy thought it may have been less work to go to work :)

And here is Mr. Jason himself...isn't he the cutest Jason you've ever seen?Have you all heard of pinterest? My favorite website. Infact I am hardly ever on Facebook because of pinterest! We get some cool ideas from there! Well one of our ideas was shaving cream bath paint. Since we didn't have much planned. Merrick got to take an EXTRA long bath and have fun painting himself and the tub! He sure enjoyed this!
Last but not least Daddy and Merrick took the 4-wheelers to 600 acres race track today and had a blast! Even though it was way to muddy and Merrick got stuck they enjoyed their boy time in the mud doing what boys do best!

Next week, I'm guessing, is gonna be rough on all of us---Daddy has gotten used to sleeping in and napping, while Merrick and I have gotten used to him being around home which makes the days go by so much faster! I'm glad its suppose to be extra nice next week so maybe we can get some good outside-possible park time in :)
See ya soon!

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