Sunday, August 21, 2011

Walking Her Home

Safe in the arms of Jesus, Our beloved "Granny" went home last week. This weekend was full of emotions, memories, and the ache of missing a piece of our hearts that only she will be able to fill. A void in the family was felt this past weekend as we said our goodbyes and will be felt until we are all reunited together again. We take peace in knowing that we will meet her again someday from the faith Granny exhibited and the faith she taught her family. Even til her last day she showed all her faith. A common phrase she said even when her mind was failing her was "Jesus loves you and Jesus loves me, too!" Please continue to keep the family in your prayers as there are many emotionally tough days ahead. Please enjoy the song above as this was one of the songs played at her funeral and the pictures below as we treasure these memories!


You were such an inspiration to our family. Thank you for so many wonderful memories, laughs, and the tears we shed are not because we are sad for you. We know you are in a much better place than us. We shed tears because you were such a special person to us and the hole you left in our hearts is undescribeable! We are so happy for you that you are whole again and safe with Jesus. You will never be forgotten, always missed, and loved dearly. We love you Granny.


Your family

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