Wednesday, July 6, 2011

God Bless America...

I hope you had a great and safe 4th. Our weekend was good, busy, but good. We received some disheartening news on Friday evening that Grandma Boswell was placed on hospice. We then headed down early Sunday morning to have so much needed time with her. We enjoyed the small conversations with her and being able to visit with Grandpa.

Your prayers are coveted as once again we are reminded how time can be painful, yet smile for the memories time has given us.

That night we headed to Jessie and Levi's for some fireworks and sparklers.

On the 4th we celebrated the day by riding in the parade on the tractor we've talked about prior. Merrick and Chase had a great time throwing candy, but most of all they thought the best idea was the super soaker that Lincoln brought with him :) Corban enjoyed the ride and a sucker. After the parade we cooled off in Knoot's pool. Thanks for the invite, Merrick had a great time in the pool and on the shark!!After Merrick completed his 4 hr nap (the poor kid was EXHAUSTED--2 hr nap on the car ride home and 2 more hours after we got home!) We completed our day with sparklers and a fireworks show. I'll leave you with a few other fun pics from our day/weekend. Chat soon...we've so far had a busy week of PLAY! What we do best!! Have a great rest of your week!!

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