Saturday, April 16, 2011

Only in Iowa...

Really only in Iowa would we do the things we did this rides, wear shorts to play outside, get out our umbrellas to run errands, and wear our winter coats and pull out the ice scrapers to clear the cars off with snow all in the same week! Crazy weather...I am so ready to wash the winter gear and put it away for the season...Maybe in July I can do this?!?

This week we brushed the bikes off and aired the tires....Merrick was beyond stoked about this. He didn't understand when it was POURING rain why we couldn't go for a bike ride.

This morning Merrick asked for "cinnamon roll pancakes" for breakfast. He loves to help me make these (there is just something about stirring eggs in the mix that he loves!) but mostly they are so WONDERFULLY yummy!! For those of you wanting to try this mouth watering ya go! we headed to see the Easter bunny. As said before only in Iowa would Merrick need to wear his winter gear cause its snowing and take his umbrella because it was ALSO raining! Oh spring...WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!

Merrick has been talking about this for what seems like FOREVER! I think he thought the Easter bunny is like Santa as he climbed on his lap and asked for a "slinky"! Something must have been VERY silly to Merrick and the Easter Bunny! :)

Here is our not so happy Easter bunny. Jaz is usually a good sport but these ears must have put her over the edge with the glares and snorts I was getting from her! HAHA!! :) Merrick thought it was funny...

Quacks and Waddles As some of you may remember from a previous post that we've had our yearly mama and daddy duck looking for a place to lay their eggs. Lincoln and I thought it would be neat for Merrick to watch this so we had been feeding the ducks bread when they would come by. Ended up naming them Quacks is the boy (mallard) duck and Waddles the mama (brown) duck. We had them so used to us when we would open the door the would run towards us for the bread. That was until our NOT so awesome neighbors who were in OUR yard chased them and we have yet to see them since Tuesday!! That is a whole nother story in itself! But we did get some good pictures of them...hopefully they will come back!

Merrick stories!!!

I've debated to put this story on but it is really just to funny to not share...One of our favorite things to do during the day is lay on the floor when daddy gets home and tell eachother about our day. We were doing this and Lincoln was laying on his stomach while Merrick sat in front of him chattering about his day. Merrick then gets up and sits on the back of Lincoln's neck still chattering. While there he "passed gas" for about 10 seconds then gets off Lincoln's neck and returns to his originally seat. Lincoln lifts his head and just stares at Merrick with absolutely NO expression on his face! (I am busting laughing at this point) Merrick with no expression on his face as well looks at Lincoln to which he replys to the look he is receiving "Don't look at me like that...You're not right!" (Yes! I lost it at this point!) In which Lincoln says "I'm not right?!?" Merrick shaking his head in agreement! I tell ya this boy says the craziest things!!

Merrick has this shirt that says "Daddy rocks but Mommy rules" and for some reason LOVES! to wear it! Everytime he wears it he asks me what it says so I tell him. The other day he says "but what does Merrick do?" And without thinking I just said "run the house!" This was on our way to Bible study. We get there and at the top of his lungs 1st thing he says to his teachers is...."Jazzi lays on her bed, Mommy rocks, Daddy rules, and I run the house!" The thought it was HILARIOUS of course. Here's a video of him saying just that...

Prayer requests...

We have a few prayer requests for the week...Grandma Boswell (Lincoln's grandma) is not doing so well with her dementia. Please keep her, Grandpa, the doctors, and the rest of the family in your prayers as they are making some decisions for Grandma's best intrests. Please pray for peace for everyone involved!

Please also keep our friends, the Hummers, in your prayers. Lynston (the one we had the baby shower for last week) has been having some difficulty in her pregnancy and is already dialating and 60% effaced at 30 wks! The doctors placed her on bed rest for the next 4 wks and started her on steroid shots to help with the baby's devleopment. Please pray for her and baby's safety!!

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