Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is RISEN...He is RISEN indeed...

This week was full of activities...both Easter and non-Easter related! Monday we started off with a field trip to the firestation. Merrick was in all his glory driving the fire truck!!
A special thanks to Fire fighter Jeremy who climbed up the ladder and sprayed the water on a chilly windy day for the kids. As you can see above they loved it...

This week Merrick decided if Spring wasn't coming and camping outside didn't look promising we would just have to take the activities inside...

This week while hanging out inside watching the rain a turkey came right up in our yard. These things are HUGE up close and didn't stay long when Jaz barked! The turkey flew over to the neighbors but I was still able to get a picture.

Merrick got some new undies this week but found another use for them!

Also this week we made Easter cookies, dyed Easter eggs, and had a visit from the Easter bunny with an Easter egg hunt to follow!

I turned my back for literally 10 seconds to switch trays of cookies to find him CHUGGING sprinkles! Needless to say there was much more frosting licking, sprinkle eating than deocrating going on! :) (Hence the frosting all over his face...)

Friday Amber and Nathan came to our house and Merrick made Owen the Easter Bunny...he was much better sport than Jazz!

The Easter Bunny came and this is the ONLY day where Merrick got to eat Gummy worms before breakfast! (How much do you wanna bet Ill get asked to do this tomorrow morning?!?)
All dressed in our Sunday best...

And we finished our Easter celebration with an Easter Egg hunt...Merrick thought this was grand!

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