Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th!

 Happy 4th of July! We want to thank all our friends and family who have served or are currently serving our country.  Merrick has such a huge heart and wanted to make sure our cousin Ben who is currently over seas fighting for our freedom knew we were thinking of him and thankful! So we did this. Stay safe Ben! Praying for you!!
 We've spent a lot of time over the past few days in the water and celebrating our country's freedom! We enjoyed a swim in the pool with friends.
We also had some fun with sparklers...
We tried baby proofing the sparklers so Maddox could have a turn too!
On the 4th both Linc and I worked so today we took the boys to the Palo Beach. We had a great time hanging out. Both the boys loved the sand, playing in the water, and Merrick found a lot of little shells.
Everything's better with snacks :)
We had a great day together! Check back soon...we have another race this weekend.

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