Merrick's also enjoying blast ball and finishes up this Friday. He gets bored waiting his turn for things such as batting but all in all does very well w/ the skills they are teaching him.
This past weekend we ventured to Iowa City (the farthest I can travel at this point). Merrick wanted to make his brother a build a bear just like he has from when Lincoln and I made it when we were expecting Merrick. He thought it was great! So I'd like to introduce to you the baby's newest friend...Diver Pete! (Merrick picked out his name ;)
Well we have reached the 38 wk mark and baby can arrive at anytime. Ive been having quite a few contractions but as of Monday the contractions aren't really progressing anything. Monday I was 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. Looks like we'll get to meet him this coming Monday! We are all very ready to meet the lil man!! I'll get the blog updated as soon as I can but please dont hold me to it :)
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