Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Meet Baby Boy Taylor #2

Here are a few of the ultrasound pictures that we were able to see on Friday.
His large feet...
This is looking down on the top of his head at his hands by his face...
3D Version. She had a hard time getting these because he wasn't wanting to hold still...Plugging his nose...
Its a boy...NO DOUBT...

We pulled Merrick's ultrasound pictures out. We were shocked with the resemblance...

Baby Boy #2 (the name will be shared when he is born--for now his name changes daily--ask Merrick)
And of course the 20 wk belly bump picture

We can not wait to meet him. Merrick is now excited about having a baby brother and is helping me get things ready. He's gonna be a great big brother! We are over the moon about 2 lil boys in our house---oh the memories!

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