Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another week was filled with great summer fun. Remember how I said I loved the library well we saw the fire fighters. Merrick thought it was pretty cool to get his picture taken with one AND to look in the ambulance.

On the cooler days of the week we enjoyed some park time and picnic lunch with friends. And the hotter days we enjoyed making yummy ice cream treats...but we had WAY to much fun eating them! Some of our highlights this week were attending the kid's tractor pull at the Solon Beef Days....Merrick was #34 in his weight division. After waiting for 33 kids to pull we thought he maybe over the whole tractor pull but he got on and rode! And pulled 4ft 11 inches. He was thrilled with his ribbon and paper. The corn dog topped it all off!!! Our last adventure for the week which wrapped up our weekend was Ava's birthday party at the SPLASH PAD!

Merrick liked the sea-saw ride too...

I'm foreseeing many water activities the next week with the high temps. Stay cool, stay safe, and we'll chat next week!

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