Monday, April 11, 2011

Bring on the heat...

"It's a heat wave" as Lincoln called it but Merrick and myself are SOAKING it up!! We pulled out shorts, tank tops, and flip flops! Oh how good the sun feels on our toes! This weekend we took full advantage of the warm weather. Merrick climbed trees, played outside, and helped wash the cars. 6 hrs straight of outside time made for a sleepy lil boy. SO sleepy he fell asleep during saying his prayers at bed time. Bless his heart!!!

So far since it's been perfect outside Merrick has endured his 1st scraped knee of the season, splinter, and blister!! ALL BOY!! However he was NOT happy about the knee! And wanted a picture of his band-aid. Friday night some girls got together to help celebrate the upcoming birth of our good friends baby boy to come. Lynston is due June 21 which will be here before we know it! Baby showers are always fun! I loved how cute the cake was...Saturday morning we headed back home to help celebrate the life of Peggy Converse (Joi Stout's mom). Please keep her family and friends in your prayers as she lost her fight to breast cancer last Wednesday. We were happy to be there to show our support and remember Peggy.

While home for the funeral we were able to see the tractor that Dan had redone. This tractor is Great Grandpa Taylor's tractor. Merrick liked to "dribe" it!

Merrick is quite the lil dandilion picker. Hudson and Merrick found a patch of them after church yesterday. Their lil yellow hands showed how much fun they had!Hope you all have a great week. Thanks for checking in...

See ya next week Bye from our "monkey face" man!

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