Wednesday, May 29, 2013

catch up...

Sorry this is such a long post...I'm playing catch up. Here are some of our May highlights.
Merrick's sidewalk art his last day of school.
Merrick graduated from PDO (parent's day out)
And from 3 yr old preschool at Little Lambs. We love Mrs. Cearlock and his lil buddies.
We have been able to spend some good time outside on the few nicer days we've had.

Our baby is 10 mo old already!
Our boys are growing so much. Maddox is into everything and as cute as can be. Merrick is growing like a weed and too smart for his own good.

And to wrap it all up with a few more pics from the race last wknd. Hope you're all staying safe from the water and enjoying the sunshine today. Have a great day!

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