Monday, August 6, 2012

Maddox's newborn pictures

Here are a few of Maddox's newborn pictures. They turned out well with the moods we were dealing with. All of us tired, Maddox cried almost the entire time, and Merrick had a huge melt down at the end which resulted in NAPS FOR THE FAMILY when we got home :) But our good friend Melanie did an awesome job :) We love them.

We had his 2 wk check today and he was 9lbs 10oz (75%tile) 22 inches long (90%tile) so he's on the right track to keeping up with brother and being like daddy! He's a good baby, very mild mannered (except with his picture session!) and is a good lil eater and sleeper! We are so in love!

Merrick is adjusting well and is a big helper. He seems so big now around Maddox and continues to be the spunky lil guy with that love of life and the look of trouble in his eyes! ;) I feel so blessed to have 2 amazing lil boys in my life!

Thanks for checking in!


Bobbi said...

Love the pictures! You can't even tell Maddox was crying! Yay for being a big healthy, growing baby boy! Way to go Mama!
Love to you all-

Jessie said...

Oh, so precious! Praise God for healthy boisterous boys.