Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Little fish

Merrick has become the lil fish over the summer. Last year (even Novemeber when we were in Disney) he refused to get his hair wet, let alone put his head under water. We've come a long way in a year! He's back floating, swimming, and currently they are working on the sitting dive! He's come right along and is loving it!!!
Merrick's also enjoying blast ball and finishes up this Friday. He gets bored waiting his turn for things such as batting but all in all does very well w/ the skills they are teaching him.

This past weekend we ventured to Iowa City (the farthest I can travel at this point). Merrick wanted to make his brother a build a bear just like he has from when Lincoln and I made it when we were expecting Merrick. He thought it was great! So I'd like to introduce to you the baby's newest friend...Diver Pete! (Merrick picked out his name ;)

Well we have reached the 38 wk mark and baby can arrive at anytime. Ive been having quite a few contractions but as of Monday the contractions aren't really progressing anything. Monday I was 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. Looks like we'll get to meet him this coming Monday! We are all very ready to meet the lil man!! I'll get the blog updated as soon as I can but please dont hold me to it :)

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