Monday, June 11, 2012

Big Brother, Little Brother

The count down is on. We are down to 6 wks!!! I've been spending time cleaning, organizing, and getting the baby's room ready. This weekend we completed the room...enjoy the pictures.

Merrick has also been preparing for his new role as big brother. Last week he got to go to his big brother class and enjoyed decorating a bib for the baby, learning how to change diapers, and he got to go on a tour of the labor and delivery unit and have his questions answered.
Besides getting ready for baby we've been staying cool too! Merrick has been to the pool 5 out of 7 days. We've enjoyed the sun, cool water, and time with friends and family. Lincoln was with us on Saturday so I was able to grab some pictures of the lil fish!

Have a great week. We hope you are enjoy summer as much as we are.

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