Sunday, January 1, 2012

Good-bye 2011...Hello 2012.

So...I've been slacking on this blog thing and I'll try to catch you all up on our December. It was the typical type of month before Christmas...busy yet fun. We've also had the flu that everyone else has had as well as the nasty colds that we seem to pass back and forth to eachother and never really get rid of it. But all in all we've had a great time with family, friends, and the events leading to Christmas.

We started our December off with Merrick's 1st Christmas program at Church. He was an angel and sang a few songs. He did very well and was pretty cute!

We visited Santa...
Decorated Christmas cookies...
Spent time with family...
We also were able to celebrate Grandma Taylor's 87th birthday. Our family is so blessed by her. She is such an amazing person. Our family and her friends pulled together 87 memories for 87 years and presented her with a book full of memories. Lets just say there were many tears shed while each person read their memories to her. Like I said she is such an awesome person.

We rang in 2012 quiet and alseep! Yes we are old but we only made it to midnight ET. All of us sound asleep before 12am! We celebrated NYE with ordered in pizza, movies, and homemade donuts. Merrick loved the old fashion donuts.
We are hoping that 2012 is just the way we rang it in...quiet, uneventful, and together. Can't ask for much more! We hope that 2012 finds all of you happy and healthy. I'll try to post more often (but please don't hold your breath) we don't have much planned for the month of January other than catch up on time at home. Chat soon!

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