Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sorry for the lack of a post for you everyday Sunday readers. We did not arrive home Sunday until 10:30pm and yesterday did not allow for much time. Last week was beautiful in Iowa and Colorado as far as weather goes. Merrick enjoyed the park, bike rides, and many hours outside!

We took off for Colorado Thrusday night around 7pm. The trip was 16 hrs--4 hrs in the mountains. The trip itself was brutal (we are not really that good of travelers) but we had a blast. The wedding was perfect and the weather and view was amazing, and the time with some long lost friends was awesome!!

Merrick was thrilled with his Colorado treats---a sock monkey and 4-wheeling pants!!! :)
As you can see we had a great time!!

It breaks my heart to tell you that on Monday we received a phone call that Jesus placed his arms around Grandma Boswell and called her home. Please keep the family in your prayers as she holds such a special place in many hearts. We take peace to know is "Safe in the arms of Jesus". Thank you in advance for your prayers.

Until next time...

The Taylors

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